Sitting on both sides of the fence as a customer and a client, has given me an appreciation for the discovery process we all go through when engaging an ad or marketing agency. I learned what questions to ask and, maybe more importantly, what information to convey. Knowing how agencies work helps me understand what information is important to getting the most impactful results.
From the agency side, having a deep understanding of what makes my client (or client to be) unique and successful is key. And, I learned that all roads lead to budget. I also learned that budgets can be flexible when you can clearly demonstrate value. Sometimes folks are reluctant to share a budget. Sometimes they don’t have one because they have no idea what various efforts are worth. Often, they have a pretty distorted view of what things actually cost. Earnest yet probing questions can often lead the way.
While tasks and projects for Citibank and Local Pool Service of Miami understandably vary considerably, the core principals for marketing and advertising do not. A solid background in both encourages me to apply these principals to all my efforts for small and very small businesses.
I look forward to sharing my experience with you.
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 6:00